Offline shops (unlimited and no restrictions) / Crafters and vendors in all major towns (Giran, Aden and Goddard).
Offline Trade & Craft. Set your private store and Exit Game.
Coin of Luck (CoL) can be obtained from donations and visit the Dimensional Merchant NPCs in game.
L2Day Event Manager (The Letter Collector Event with scrolls, attributes and epic jewels for rewards)
Legendary Cards Event (including Territory Cards) available
Auction House (AH) available
Community Board BUFFER and SHOP available
Zodiac Agathions & Exclusive Agathions and accesories added (agathions and hundreds of accesories)
Augmentation is allowed on PvP weapons
Dot commands: .expoff .expon .deposit .withdraw .tvt (working during TVT event)
Slash commands: /time /olympiadstat /siegestatus /duel /instancezone /unstuck
Buffs time: 2 hours
Normal Enchant: 66% / Blessed Enchant: 70%
Safe enchant: +4 / Max. enchant: +20
Hunting Zones, Instances & Raid Bosses
Epic late-game Raid Boss Orfen - has not only changed her appearance, but has also become much more powerful and already awaits for astray wayfarers in her nest. The boss fight zone is a combat zone.
From Seed of Annihilation you can get into a new instance for one player - Seed of Annihilation - Nursery. New solo instanced dungeon, the entrance is located in red whirls in Seed of Annihilation.
The entrance to the Istina's Cavern (epic) instanced zone is located in the Seed of Annihilation. Access to the Epic Istina's Cavern instanced zone is reset on Wednesday and Saturday at 6.30 AM
Available Instances and Grand Raid Bosses: Kartia's Labyrinth / Kamaloka / Seed of Immortality (Ekimus) / Seed of Destruction (Tiat) / Seed of Hellfire / Freya / Frintezza / Zaken / Baium / Antharas / Valakas...
Kartia's Labyrinth instance for 85/90/95. You can enter Kartia's Labyrinth via NPC Kartia's Researcher located in the Town of Aden. The instanced dungeon's lockout timer resets at 6:30 a.m. server time every day...
Etina Great Temple. Etis van Etina Raid is divided into two parts, a Siege on the exterior of the Temple, and a Raid within. When Etina Raid is available, all players can enter Etina Great Temple through Erda NPC.
Epic Raid Bosses respawn times
Seed Next Status Change (Seed of Annihilation) every
Monday of each week, 13:00 GMT+2
Ceremony of Chaos Monday - Thursday, 18:00 - 20:00 GMT+2
Territory Wars Saturday, 18:00 - 20:00 GMT+2
Castle Sieges Every 2 weeks
Sunday, 18:00 - 20:00 GMT+2
Olympiad and heroes Every 2 weeks
Queen Ant spawn every
1,5 days + 17 hours random
Core spawn every
2,5 days + 24 hours random
Zaken spawn every
5 days + 35 hours random
Baium spawn every
5 days + 12 hours random
Frintezza's spawn every
2 days + 24 hours random
Beleth spawn every
8 days + 6 hours random
Kelbim spawn every
2 days + 24 hours random
Trasken spawn every
11 days + 72 hours random
Antharas spawn every
10 days + 12 hours random
Valakas spawn every
10 days + 12 hours random
Lindvior spawn every
11 days + 72 hours random
Ramona spawn every
3 days + 48 hours random
Helios spawn every
11 days + 72 hours random
Orfen spawn every
2 days + 20 hours random
Etis van Etina spawn every
11 days + 72 hours random
Baylor, Balok, Istina, Octavis, Freya, Zaken, Ekimus, Tiat, Camille, Lilith and Anakim are instanced.
Daily reset is at 6:30 AM, server time (GMT+2, EU).
General info
The locations of almost all Raid Bosses are strictly defined. You can find them using the game map (M).
The level of players who can attack a Raid Boss is limited. In general, it's about +8 levels from the level of a boss (for example, Raid Boss Evil Spirit Cyrion can be attacked by those players whose level is 53 or lower), for some Raid Bosses the difference in levels is smaller. If a character breaks this rule, it gets turned into stone for a while.
The reward also depends on the attackers' level. The bigger the difference in levels, the less the reward.